Saturday, September 12, 2015


            As I sit here, once more a day late, I do remember what I was going to freewrite about. I don’t know if it is necessarily a subject we are supposed to write about here but nevertheless I am going to get my thoughts of yesterday off my chest. Yesterday was September 11th, we all know what happened that horrible day. What I was wondering was about the babies born that day, and for the sake of the discussion, the babies born since, but specifically the babies born on 9-11. What will their family tell them about that day? How will the attack be memorialized the same day as someone’s birthday? I know that people are born on good and bad days but it being that date, and having lived through that as an American Veteran, I was thinking of these babes specifically. How many were born to missing fathers, or other family involved. And were any family directly involved saved? Wondering about babies born on 9-11 down through history, will they be affected by the telling of the tragedy or will the significance of this day even be remembered like we do today or even more ten years ago. My son and daughter were both born in 2001. One was born before September and on after. I think as time goes by I might want to explain to them the importance of that day, the day that Liberty took a hit and still was determined to carry on.

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