Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hoping for the best...

            Here we are. Finally, a day to kickback. I have nothing to do but my blog and I’m done with school today. I have spent every waking minute where I have been dealing with some kind of family emergency with my nose in a book, or my face in a computer screen. I’m glad I finally got caught up, but I can’t help but feel bad that I’m taking time away from my kids. I wonder if things would be so hectic if I was more accessible during the day and after school. This semester though was chose for me for school, and me to catch up what fell behind last semester.
            Last semester I had just come home from a heart transplant. I felt good at first, finished up my finals, and didn’t pass the classes I took. So this semester is all about making up a lost semester. I really want to do well and pass, I’d like to have a B average but I missed the first week of classes and that’s really going to mess with my grade. It was my fault, I didn’t have intentions of going this semester until the last minute, and when I did make my decision to go part-time my wife signed me up for full time. I was pretty stressed about it but, as you can see, I am pulling it off barely. I’m glad with my grades at almost midterm, and am finally getting in my groove which always takes me 3 or 4 weeks to guess at it. I am comfortable with my work, but my test scores are low. I’m still trying to learn to study better. My memory is not what it was before my heart failure, or even after my surgery. I am just hoping my kids are not going to pay for me being so busy during the teen years.

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