Wednesday, September 16, 2015

my first Rambley blog


            Here we go, another daily blog to rattle my mind. I’ve been doing my blogs at night but I’m thinking that it may provide better content, and it will be out of the way for the day. Like watching the news or reading the newspaper, with a cup of coffee, trying to shake off the sleeps and start the day with a good start. I was reading today about leading writings with powerful subjects and verbs and how you can chain thoughts together in these types of sentences. I really want to master this. I am constantly worried about having run-ons in my writing. It’s just that if I get a thought running in my head, I want to get everything out as soon as possible before I lose my train of thought. It’s like today and having nothing to write about. Just me trying to explain about this makes me want to run on and on and on and on. But how long can I keep running on until it’s a run on. Or I run out of things to say. I would more than likely just run out of things to say. I wonder if I slowed down just a bit if I would get better writing in 10 or 15 minutes or less but not so rambley. Is that a word? Rambley (pronounced ram-buh-lee instead of ram-blee) must be a pronoun, no an adverb cause it has –ly or –ley to be exact. It would be a way to explain the verb ramble. Wonder what ramble’s definition is…one minute…well the closest definition in contrast to the subject is “to talk or write in a desultory or long-winded wandering fashion”. So rambley must be to describe something that rambles. This has got to be some kind of discovery or invention. I’d better copyright this, rambley copyright 2015 Hatfield publishing. All comments are welcome, but please no copyright infringement.

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