Wednesday, September 30, 2015

A rant that turned out to have a point.


            I am looking for a blog to enter. I am watching “Exodus: Gods and Kings” with Christian Bale and Ben Kingsley. Man, Christian Bale is sure in a lot of movies! I really only liked him in the Dark Knight trilogy so far, but this one was pretty good as far as his acting. I wasn’t too hot on the movie. We’ve probably all seen at least one depiction of Moses and the Exodus. My favorite was the animated one, “Prince of Egypt”. And it did hold true to the story I felt. This version had more of the scientific explanation to the story of the plagues. I tend to believe in the miracles and wonders of the Bible. Not because there could be some scientific, or common sense way of explaining miracles in a way we can understand how they happened, instead of mystically, but because this is my basis for faith. And personally if people line it out in a way where we can understand or even recreate it, then it just gives me more faith that all miracles are real. For me it’s like belief in Christ. When my faith faltered, and it has many times, it was brought back by one of two things. Belief there was a God at all, was what I was needing hashed out for myself. Well one day, one of my friends, a hardcore, headbangin, hand horn throwin, metal head  asked, after talking about my faltered belief, if I believed in demons. Lesser and Greater evil spirits, whether human or otherworldly. And I said yes, because I had seen what I believed to be a possession before, a possession and an exorcism, by a group of young people who were all told that anything was possible if you only believed AND ask in the name of Jesus. And so I believed in demons and the Devil through my participations in Ouija boards, magic callings and trying to talk to the dead. “Well,” my friend said “if you believe in that, then you have to believe in God, because God created the Devil, Lucifer, as an angel first, and cast him from heaven for disobeying him. So if there’s a Devil, There’s a God, and if this is true then Jesus must be his son, and the only way to be saved from the demons and evil spirits, even the Devil himself. Just ask “In Jesus name I pray”. It’s in the Holy Word that I believe is God’s true word. And only he can translate it and let you see through all the other stuff that has been implanted there. If he is real, and I believe he is, then HE IS that powerful. The miracle is in our free will to decide for ourselves our actions and beliefs.

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