Thursday, September 24, 2015

So you had a bad day....

            Today is a different day. Today I spent all day running around, totally missing all my school work. It started off with Taking my wife to work and taking my daughter to school. See my van is broke down and we are down to one vehicle. So since the school is closer than Starbucks and my wife’s work, I chose to take Tychelle to school first. Tychelle has been our problem child for about a year and a half now. She is 14 ½ years old. Today she didn’t want to go to school, so she talked Mom into letting her go to work with her. Well someone forgot to tell Dad and now Dad is angry because Tychelle has missed a lot of school this year, along with a lot of other rebellious actions. So against my better judgement, I went to Starbuck’s first and the girls got coffee and pastries, and then I went to drop Mom off at work. Well Mom didn’t get permission to take Tychelle, so she had to go with me. Well Tychelle doesn’t listen to me, so staying home with me today was not an option. Let alone she needs to go to school, it’s the law. So off to school we went.

            When we got to school she refused to get out of the car. Even with all the begging, pleading, and ordering I did, I only got one retort. “You’re not my Dad!” is all she would say. Eventually I gave in and went into the school myself. I told the secretary who I was and that I was there to bring Tychelle to school, but she refused to leave the car. They got the special ed. Teacher, the school counselor, the principal, and the truancy officer. They all tried their special way to get her out of the car and she wouldn’t budge. Finally they got a counselor from Crider, a mental health hospital, where Tychelle’s counselors are, and she finally got her out of the car. To be continued tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I have a 17 year I know. A dear friend, whose children are now grown and human again, reminds me often that this is biological. Breathe. ~Ms. A.
